This is somewhat divergent from my typical food-focused blogs, but I have to vent about the most stressful, to date, week of my life.
Last week, my little baby bear was afflicted. It started on Monday night, when Stefan was away. She was uncharacteristically fussy. On Tuesday, I packed her up for a visit to her grandma and cousins. We arrived, she cried. She got hot. I got nervous. Her fever registered 102.2.
In typical new mom fashion, I raced to the doctor who told me "not to worry. Babies run high fevers." I breathed a sigh of relief. Later that night, her fever was up to 103.7. I panicked, called the doctor, who told me, "not to worry. Babies run high fevers." Hmmm... I worried regardless.
On Wednesday, her high reading was a whopping 104.7! She felt like a tiny oven and it almost hurt to touch her. It hurt my heart to see her in such discomfort. I was a wreck and she was in agony.
On Thursday, there was no improvement and her mood was markedly worse. Friday, more of the same. I ran to the doctor, again. Again, "not worry. Babies get high fevers, but come back on Monday if there's no improvement."
Well, thankfully, by Sunday, she seemed to be back to herself, with the exception that she was a little tired and worn out from the week of cooking her insides.
I guess the moral of the story is: "Not to worry. Babies get high fevers."