Monday, March 1, 2010

Can you guess her weight?

I am starting a pool for my favorite 10 blog followers. What do you think this stubborn baby is going to weigh? I gave a pretty good clue in my second to last post (that's your ONLY hint... don't ask for any more). The person who comes the closest will get a very special surprise when she finally arrives on the scene. Oh, which reminds me, I should probably tell you that I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 2PM. I'm hoping that I won't make it that long, but if I do, I have a strong suspicion that we will decide on proceeding with induction. I so wanted to let nature take its course. I hate the idea of rattling her out of here, but truthfully, waiting too much longer could mean she won't fit through the tunnel and a C-Section is my own worst nightmare... for so many reasons. One, I feel like the baby would be so put off by the surprise of being tugged out of her happy home. Secondly, I don't have the luxury of being able to recover at my own pace. I have a toddler. I can't just chill out on the couch for three weeks without lifting anything or laughing! And finally, of course, I don't want the scar. I just don't. My midsection is about the only part of my body I don't completely hate, so I would like to keep as intact as possible.

Anyway, I digress. I really do hope you will place your best guess as to baby Whitney #2's birth weight. Please do so in the comments section below.

I will be back tomorrow with the doctor update...