Wednesday, April 29, 2009

GiGi: a Salad, a Meal, a Sexy Lady's Name!

Oh, it was so hot this weekend. The Whitneys didn't have an air conditioner and yet, the Whitneys had multiple dinner guests. The worst part, Mrs. Whitney developed a sweat disorder when she got pregnant and it hasn't subsided. The dilemma this weekend was, obviously, how to make a nice dinner for friends without sweating in it. Ewww... I know.

So, I put on my thinking cap and remembered my favorite salad from the Palm and subsequently, several other "steakhouse" style restaurants on the eastern end of a Long Island. I wish I knew the true origins of the GiGi Salad. If you know, please share in the comments section.

GiGi Salad for Four (with some leftovers for picking)


2 lbs. 20-25 peeled and deviened Shrimp, marinated in garlic, olive oil, the juice of one lemon, and plenty of salt, pepper and Crazy Jane's salt.
1/2 lb. cleaned French Beans
3 medium Tomatoes, small diced (locally grown without slave labor)
1 large small diced sweet Red Onion
6 sliced crispy Bacon, chopped to just before a crumble.
2 ripe Avocados, small diced
1/2 c. cold Goat Cheese, crumbled (totally optional and not traditional. I just love goat cheese, so I put it in everything these days)
1 cup homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette
Butter Lettuce leaves to serve as the bed for the chopped salad


First, find a charcoal grill in your backyard that you didn't know was there. Send your husband to the store to get charcoal and make him start the fire, watch the coals and yell at you when its time to put the shrimp on.

Grill the shrimp, being careful not to overcook. As soon as they are nicely curled into themselves and they are opaque all the way through, they are done. Take them off immediately and allow them to cool while you prepare the rest of the salad.

Combine all other ingredients, except the goat cheese and shrimp. Chop the shrimp into thirds, roughly and add to the salad. Then, at the last moment add the goat cheese, toss one last time and serve over a bed of lettuce, preferably a few leaves of butter lettuce for presentation, but any type you have on hand... or not, if you don't.

Wipe the sweat from you brow and serve to your grateful, hungry and too polite to complain about the heat, friends. Finally, send your husband out for ice cream.

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