Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm mad at the State Department already

So, this was the scene: Poor, sweet little Addy at the mercy of two, crazed, needle-wielding phlebotomists. No amount of marshmallows or lollipops could calm her. Her father had to hold her tightly against himself to keep her (and her stubborn little veins) from wiggling away. I, of course, was wearing baby Flora (in the Ergo, not the sling), so all I could do was watch from a safe distance. Heart-breaking. So, I'm mad at the State Department for making my first born endure the battery of blood tests that are required for her to be medically cleared. Hmph. Not nice. Mommy no likey.


  1. It's Friday, and that means that the Weekly State Department Blog Roundup is up - and you're on it!

    Here is the link:

    (If I quoted your text or used your photo(s) and you would rather I had not, please let me know. Please also be sure to check the link(s) that I put up to you, in order to verify that they work properly. If you would rather that I had not referenced you, and/or do not want me to reference you in the future, please also contact me.)



    Oh, I know - isn't it awful when the little ones have to go through the Clearance phase? It's just heartbreaking.

  2. oh, no, I am gearing up for this and not looking forward to it. But they would have had to do it anyway for lead tests, so I have to make my peace. My 2yo is going to flip out. So sorry. :(
