Monday, April 26, 2010

Pack-Rats don't do Pack-Outs.

So, it's Monday and the packers/movers are coming on Wednesday. I have scheduled my next two days such that I hardly have time to organize. This morning, we're off to the vet, which is roughly an hour away. We will be making a 40 minute detour to pick up my stepfather, so he can sit with the girls while I deal with the "boys." Of course, on the way back, I will have to drop off my stepfather and run the boys on the golf course where he is the superintendent. I will visit with my mom and give the girls some lunch. Then I have to stop at IKEA ("stop" at IKEA! hah!) to get some vessels in which to organize our clothing and personal belongings. I will get home around 5PM most likely. That leaves on hour before the bedtime routine begins. Nice.

It gets worse because tomorrow, I have two appointments in the city; one is at the OB-GYN (tmi?) to ensure that I don't have THREE children in three years and the other is at the dentist to finish a crown. I will gone all day and will likely be in pain upon my return home. My husband was born to be a Foreign Service Officer, but I don't think I was born to be a Trailing Spouse. I suck at this stuff. I am terribly disorganized and thoroughly devoted to accumulating "stuff." I am low on motivation and hate to clean. I am a world-class procrastinator as evidenced in the fact it's Monday and we're moving Wednesday and all I've done is blog about it!


  1. Please tell your husband to get you stationed in Vancouver. It will be a great place for you to transition before heading overseas. I will be your support system you will be mine and we will have lovely dinners together. It will help you in so many ways. Please Please Pretty Please!

  2. we have pack out today too. well actually pack-up today and pack-out tomorrow. CHAOS. I can't imagine doing this with kids. We just put our dogs in the rental car outside and walk them periodically. probably doesn't work like that with offspring. See you soon!

  3. Devon please keep writing this blog. I'm reading and watching. You never know...could be a book one day! xxLindsay

  4. I'm trying to be a reformed pack-rat, but still have stuff to get rid of before the movers show. Hope it went well today and safe travels!
