Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We've been ROBBED!

I woke up feeling naked. Oh wait, I was naked. Because the movers took all my clothes and squirreled them into boxes alongside my Kitchen Aid Mixer and my husbands running shoes.

OMG. What the hell just happened? It was whirlwind of tattooed fury running about, wrapping everything in sight in brown paper! My cousin Hillary, who kindly took Adela off our hands, commented when she dropped Adela back off, "I love how they packed yesterday's newspaper into the box." We laughed. Oh, how we laughed. OMG. They packed yesterday's (well, now the day before yesterday's) newpapers into a box? Did they also pack full garbage cans and dirty underwear? Probably.

Note to self: don't look at your husband midday while breastfeeding your 6 week old baby and say, "I am going to take a Buddhist approach to this move and just let it happen." That was when things really went wrong.

I had piles of things I had hoped to reserve for use over the next days after the packing had begun. Piles of things, like, clothes. Ooops. Those are gone. So, uh, I went to Dunkin Donuts this morning with my coat pulled closed over my shirtless torso.

I don't really have words. I don't know what to say or do. I foresee us re-buying a lot of things we already have because we have no idea which boxes they are in.

First Trailing Spouse test: FAILED.


  1. oh, no. I'm so sorry. Have you joined Livelines and FS parent listserves? They give lots of tips about packout and millions of other things. Full garbage cans have definitely been packed before, so don't feel alone. Items marked "DO NOT PACK" as well, so really, no need to beat yourself up. Hope it's all smooth sailing from here. And what a great excuse to buy some spring clothes!

  2. Pack out is always an adventure. When we packed out to come home, the movers wrote what was in the box IN HEBREW on the box. With my halting Hebrew, I could sometimes make out what they had written, and none really had any connection to what was in the box. But on the bright side, unpacking is always like Christmas!

  3. Oh NO! Ohmygosh, really? Oh NO! You didn't have a shirt!?

    Oh, HONEY.

    No, this is NOT a First Trailing Spouse Test and you did NOT "fail!" You just get that out of your head right now!

    And can I just say that I LOVED your line about the whirlwind of tattooed fury running about!? PRICELESS.

  4. Full pampers packed! Things to look forward to unpacking.

  5. The crucial question, though: did they pack up your passports?
